
Events and news of what's happening around the Fredonia campus.

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Freedonia Marxonia begins Oct. 3

Cynthia Yochym

“Vaudeville and the Marx Brothers” is the theme of the upcoming Freedonia Marxonia, the annual celebration of the connection between the Village of Fredonia and “Freedonia,” which was the setting of the 1933 Marx Brothers’ movie “Duck Soup."

Igoe recognized for videos

Lisa Eikenburg

Department of Communication Assistant Professor Michael Igoe’s video, “Interviewing: Getting the Facts the Feelings, and the Focus” has won another award. The Broadcast Education Association (BEA) is honoring it at its On Location Conference this fall in the Instructional Category of the Video Competition. The award will be given in October during the BEA regional conference in Denver, Colo.

Kasky tapped as Maytum Convocation Lecturer

Lisa Eikenburg

Activist and advocate Cameron Kasky will be the 2019-2020 Maytum Convocation Lecturer and Williams Visiting Professor. His presentation, “Be the Change: Tools for a Movement” will be given in King Concert Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 3 p.m. The first in an annual series of events, Mr. Kasky’s presentation will highlight the 2019-2020 Convocation theme, “Be the Change.”