McCurdy named October R.A. of the Month

Marketing and Communications staff
Jocelyn McCurdy

Joycelyn McCurdy

Joycelyn McCurdy, a junior from Brooklyn majoring in Early Childhood: Childhood Education, with a minor in School and Counseling Psychology, has been named Resident Assistant of the Month for October by the Student Recognition Committee in Residence Life.

A Resident Assistant in Kasling Hall for three semesters. Ms. McCurdy says her favorite part about being an R.A. is creating community within the residence halls through programming and bonding with other resident assistants on her staff.

“Joycelyn values the connection she makes not only within the staff, but within the building. She is thoughtful in her interactions and uses programming to connect the residents,” said Kasling Hall Residence Director Alyssa Stephens, who nominated McCurdy. “She does a great job at connecting with other buildings and combining ideas with other RAs within programming,” added Ms. Stephens, a Fredonia graduate student member of the Residence Life staff.

Communication is another strength of McCurdy. “Joycelyn is skilled in the way she communicates with people. She makes a point to bring a lot of the skills she learns within education into the position as an R.A.,” said Stephens. McCurdy’s creativity can be viewed in how she maintains birthday, fun and information boards.

“Joycelyn is skilled in the way she communicates with people. She makes a point to bring a lot of the skills she learns within education into the position as an R.A.” Residence Director Alyssa Stephens

McCurdy has also displayed initiative, setting up mailboxes based on student directories, communicating with students who sign up for craft room activities and making signage when the need arises, such as when the water boil alert was instituted. “She has done a great job putting effort into the little things that end up being extremely helpful around the hall,” Stephens said.

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