Building Toward Student Success



Strategy 4.3 of the campus Strategic Enrollment Management Plan states that Fredonia will “reimagine campus spaces to encourage and support engagement among faculty, staff and students.” Building Toward Student Success is a key project in this strategy.  With this project, we are beginning the pre-planning for the renovation of two buildings at the heart of campus, Reed Library and Jewett Hall.  As we did with the science building project, we are beginning with pre-planning before we can begin to design the renovated spaces whose focus is on serving students.

Click here for the latest information on open meetings and discussions

In the summer/fall of 2017, Fredonia released an RFP to engage consultants to assist us in formalizing our philosophy of student success, and to design a plan for working within and across student service provider areas, units, and divisions. Brightspot Strategy was selected to assist Fredonia in this pre-design phase of creating a vibrant and transformational student success corridor. This pre-design phase is not funded with state operating dollars but with support from the Fredonia Foundation and the Faculty Student Association.

Brightspot was on campus in the fall, 2017 semester to conduct research that consisted of student focus groups, student interviews, service provider interviews and meetings. In the months ahead, there will be opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to have input in this process, including a survey which you will receive.

The deliverables of this pre-design project include:

  • Project plan that captures the goals, participants, schedule, deliverables, and communication plan;

  • summary of the research findings including an environmental scan and results of campus surveys, interviews, workshops, and observations;

  • summary of Vision and Student Success Philosophy;

  • Service Portfolio summarizing what services will be offered, where, when, and how, along with implications for spaces and staffing;

  • Space Needs Summary including a space program, adjacency diagram, and blocking/stacking across the three buildings;

  • Staffing Strategy correlating the service offering with staff roles;

  • Service Assessment Plan summarizing key metrics/key performance indicators; method and frequency of capture, analysis, and reporting;

  • final report compiling and summarizing information listed above including an executive summary.

We hope that you will take the opportunity to participate in the discussions and conversations that we will have this year about how we can best serve our students.

The links above and to the right will give you all the background information you're looking for regarding this project.


Project Overview


Reed Library vision

Jewett Hall vision



Take the next step